Saturn IQ Plc
At the time was one of the most advanced software production companies at the time.
Imperial College, University of London stated at the time “The software was Quantum Computing Proof”. Imperial had two Q Bits of Quantum. The software was discovered by Dr. Brian Scott PhD after research into Rare Metals and communications in Pharaonic Egypt where he discovered a tablet that was read once and destroyed the secret message, Dr., Scott adapted this to produce specialist software, during his thoughts he discovered this could be adapted into a specialist software he was developing.
The conventional method of transferring funds was to use RSA Inc, technology, RSA put up a challenge asking mathematicians to break their codes, Dr., Scott broke 3 of the codes in rapid succession, and RSA took down the challenge. The software was presented to the UK Banks for evaluation as they were concerned about Quantum computing. A Quantum laptop has the processing power of a super Cray computer and is achieving higher processing speeds as the years go by.
Dr., Scott wanted to find investment for the business and along the way, Saturn merged with two other businesses and acquired an ex-technical director of Microsoft, one of the first hires by Bill Gates, so a strong team was formed. The first part of the funding was to set out a prospectus for the 100 current shareholders, which raised just short of £100,000, on the strength approaches were made to the UK banks and venture capitalists, which raised £2 million.
Within 12 months the company was purchased on a share deal based on 10 shares for 1 share of Saturn by a San Diego software business, which in turn was acquired by an Australian business and eventually ended up in a Chinese corporation. Saturn IQ Plc no longer exists. The original source code now resides on CD ROM discs and is lodged with a UK Lawyer.
Dr., Scott now resides in the Mohave Desert in an adobe house with his wife and 10 cats.