This page is for new business startups but can apply to small & medium-sized businesses looking for the tools to expand and be more competitive.
Business Plan Introduction
If you have a business plan? we can review it for bankability, and advise on changes we consider important.
If we are able to produce a bankable business plan for you. We will work with you to realize your aims and objectives.
Below are paths and services you can consider taking to reach these objectives.
Established Business Introduction
If you have an established business that may be experiencing difficulties, stagnation, or looking to expand to new markets.
We can advise on new strategies you can consider to maximize your business growth and realize the business's full potential.
Expand & Grow
Innovation is Key to Growth
Bankable Business Plans
Bankable Business Plans is a detailed step-by-step allowing you to create a clear, comprehensive, and compelling business plan. If you do not have a bankable business plan boomfii.com will assist in the creation of one.Business Model Assessment
The Business Model describes how the business uses its resources to provide products and services to its current customers while developing the company operations to serve future customer needs as well... evaluating models allows you to choose the most effective methods for your own company.Linkages to Viable Funding
Once we have mutually agreed on the context and financials in the business plan, and if they are viable we can then approach funding sources.
Streamline Costs
Streamlining refers to the improvement of the efficiency of a certain process within an organization... Companies strive for more efficient and automated operations to minimize costs. One of the most popular methods is classification according to and maximizing profits. We can advise on OEP (Operational Effective Processes) to reduce costs such as wastage, and effective production initiatives without reducing headcount.

Availability of Grants for Your Business Model
Government Grants are typically broken down into four categories: educational, organization, small business, and individual grants. Please review our Grants page for more information.

Sales Channels, Local Business & Overseas
There is a myriad of ways in which you can get your products to market and in front of your ideal customers. We can do this by building up your contact base in your specific field of expertise.
Business Process Outsourcing
Business Process Outsourcing, or BPO, is a business practice in which one organization hires another to perform a process/task that the hiring organization requires for its own business to operate more successfully, and could help reduce costs.
Concept/Working Prototype
On presentation of your Proof of Concept or a Working Prototype? We will carry out a review that will strengthen, evaluating/producing a plan of action acceptable to any funder allowing for bankability and commerciality.
Please be advised that we are confident in our ability; however, this is by no means a promise or guarantee a solution can be reached for your particular business or shortfall, this depends on the strength of your business/business plan model.