Monetization & PPP Trading
If you have ultra-fine nano copper powder, class A nickel wire, or other types of metals such as gold (and/or gemstones) held in a secure facility under an SKR we are able to monetize these assets. Other metals and rare earth minerals will be consider for monetizarion as long as the have an accompanying SKR.
We have direct access to several platforms that specilize in the monetization and trading of such hard assets. This, however, is dependent on the location of the assets, related paperwork, and source of purchase.
What is Monetization?
Monetization is just a name for obtaining a loan against an asset, another phrase is asset-based funding, the same as applying for a loan against a property that you own, or a mortgage on a house. Although has its complexities and is dependent on the individual Asset Owner.
There are specialists who work in the monetization space, They may not be banks, but they could be companies with a lot of spare cash, such as Insurance Companies, International supermarket chains, and High Net Worth Individuals (HNIWs) who want to make their money work.
The difficulty is finding an entity that has these connections that will consider loaning their funds for trade usage secured in this case by metals. And the loan to value depends on the quality of information and the attitude of the Asset Owner will be anywhere between 50% to 80%.
Players Involved:
- Asset Owner
- Asset Owner adviser (broker)
- Fiduciary (manages the conversion process)
- Monitizer (monetizes into cash)
- Trader (trader grows the cash)
- Paymaster (pays commissions and the net amount after commissions to the asset owner)
Required documents:
- SKR (Safekeeper Receipt)
- COA (Certificate of Analysis)
- KYC (Know Your Customer) Will include a passport copy of the owner and a photo or video of the owner with the product holding a newspaper showing the date thereby proving the date when the photo/video was taken.
- PROVENANCE (history of the asset/product)The trading groups we work with are insisting on a full provenance, where was the product bought from and from whom? where was the funds acquired to buy the product? if a corporate application – what were the accounting entries? etc. We can talk you through what is required for your particular application for a successful entry.
Please be aware commissions to all concerned can be as high as 10% plus 1% to the paymaster.
The funds will either have an option for the Asset Owner to take an amount for their day-to-day needs while the balance is traded over 52 weeks, with the first 40 weeks going to the Asset Owner, the balance going to the Trader and Institutions such as the UN and other worthy causes.
Repayment of the asset-based loan is normally over two methods and includes the interest. The Asset Owner pays back the loan over 4 months in equal installments plus interest and the interest can be as high as 10% or more.
The loan is paid back out over the remaining 12 weeks of the trading, this means the Asset Owner gets a high return. At the end of the 52-week trading period, the Asset Owner receives the asset intact.
The repayment processes vary and will depend on the platform used and will be agreed upon with the Asset Owner prior to contract signing.
PLEASE NOTE: The information above is none solicitation
The Asset stays in your control all the time and never leaves your bank account or vault if kept under SKR (Safe Keeping Receipt). The value of these assets can only be increased in monetary terms.
This information is based on the Top 100 banks and is believed to be accurate. However only the trade group can quote current rates, returns, and structures for transactions, and they may modify this information or cancel this program without notice.
boomfii.com's role is to act as a clearing house for those who want to monetize or dispose of their metal assets.
Approved Tier One Banks
Cash PPP Trading
This Maximize returns on Cash Assets
The returns on Cash Assets can potentially be very high when entered into a PPP (Private Placement Program). The Cash is never moved and remains at all times in the owner's control and cannot be taken or lost.
Buy & Sell Metals
For those who want to dispose of/or acquire metals, boomfii.com acts as a clearinghouse. Please connect with us for more information and to go through the process and requirements.
We have both Buyers and Sellers looking for opportunities in the Metals Markets.
All amounts are considered to Buy or to Sell. We also have Institutions waiting to monetize Gold for PPP Trade Programs.
The principal Institution is one of our Associated Partners that specializes in only Gold monetization. Because of this, monetizing the Gold is very quick but this is dependent on the location of the Gold Asset, related paperwork, and source of purchase.
Ultra-Fine Nano Copper Powder from 99.999+ pure no larger than 20 microns. We Sell, Buy, and Monetize for PPP Trade Programs.
We act for Buyers and Sellers of Class A Nickel Sulphide Wire purity of 98.9+. Please provide meters, not tones when connecting with us.
Before connecting with us to start the monetization process you need to be 100% transparent. Our due diligence checks can only go to a certain level, once with the monetizer they will carry out deep due diligence checks through their systems and referencing the central banks, for example, the Federal Reserve, if there is an irregularity, they will reject the monetization and could even blacklist you or worse.