Ultra-Fine Nano Copper Powder
We have available for sale Ultra-Fine Nano Copper Powder with United Nations serial numbers via one of our most trusted partners. They are a mining organization and well-established in the industry.
All Copper Powder containers have United Nations serial numbers as identification. The quality is Ultra-Fine Nano Copper Powder from 99.999+% minimum purity and no larger than 20 microns.
Extremely competitive market-adjusted prices are offered. If you are interested, please contact us to discuss prices, volume, and terms and conditions. We can facilitate tranches as low as 50kg per transaction.
Our Partners
Our Partners can combine sales of ultra-fine nano copper powder and lithium from their own mines of production.
They will sell both in all quantities to satisfy demand. Information will be supplied as requested once some rules of the road have been established.
We have clients who wish to dispose of their Copper Powder and those who wish to purchase, boomfii.com is in a unique position to offer both services, contact us to discuss.
MONETIZATION OF COPPER POWDER: If you have ultra-fine copper powder, this type of asset can be monetized.
SKR VALUES: Values will no longer be the trading platforms and monetizers' focus for due diligence value purposes for this asset. Owners with old SKR values must be realistic for the point of trading. This metal has greatly reduced in price in recent months and the SKRs do not reflect the new values.
Approved Tier One Banks
PLEASE NOTE: The information above is none solicitation.