Class A Nickel Wire
We have Class A Nickel Sulphide Wire purity of 98.9+ available for sale. We can offer tranches as low as 6M meters - all can be negotiated within reason. Please contact us to discuss.
The market is always changing and can offer excellent opportunities for those wishing to sell or buy Nickel Wire.
We currently have Nickel Wire available for sale for as little as 5.00 USD per meter with purity of 98.9+.
Our Partners
We have direct access to clients who wish to dispose of their Nickel Wire and those wishing to purchase.
Boomfii.com is in the unique position to offer both services and we are always on the lookout for other opportunities should they arise to help best serve our clients.
Those clients wishing to dispose of their Nickel Wire have passed our due diligence and we have all relevant paperwork on file.
PLEASE BE ADVISED: The SKR values will no longer be the trading platforms and monetizers' focus for due diligence value purposes for this asset. Owners with old SKR values must be realistic for the point of trading. This metal has greatly reduced in price in recent months and the SKRs do not reflect the new values.
MONETIZATION OF NICKEL WIRE: This type of asset can also be monetized for PPP on an LTV basis, to raise money rather than of selling.
Approved Tier One Banks
PLEASE NOTE: The information above is none solicitation.